I’ve been meaning to do this latest bit of link adoration for awhile, but I just never got around to it. Today after reading of how Marcheline at Mental Meatloaf (how's that for a great blog name?) has been struggling to regrow her blog list after so many bloggers seem to have abandoned their cyber-stations, I thought I would share a few of my more recent blog crushes.
First a bit of what feels like blog adultery. Can there be such a thing? Normally I am quite happy to hop from one blog to another, adding links that I take a fancy to. But this one is different, because these bloggers are friends and there is a book and their names aren’t their names and it’s all very confusing. First of all there was Bête de Jour, who wrote a funny and wonderful book about the Intimate Adventures of an Ugly Man. Being a dutiful fan and follower, I bought and read the book (highly recommend!), which features the author’s friend “Keith.” I recently hopped onto NotKeith’s blog and I really love it. He’s an artist who makes me jealous that I can only see in words. He’s also worth following on twitter because not everyone can “put some ram in the ramalamadingdong.” But you see what I mean? I love them both - how can it work?
Oh well, let’s just talk about apples. Abundance Edinburgh consists of a small group of people who are picking the surplus fruit around the city (there are a surprising number of trees that are just left, with perfectly good food going to waste). They then distribute the fruit to local charities. Overall an inspiring idea that has taken off from other such groups already established in England.
In the land of selfishness, I am drooling over a blog called Book Giveaways, especially because blogger Shauna gifts some truly gorgeous children’s books.
Musician, writer and retired teacher (do teachers ever really retire? Something tells me they don’t) Dick Jones has been treating his readers to some beautiful, insightful posts, including this one about his grandparents. I can just picture his grandfather leaning close to the radio, listening to the Home Service News. Then there is Dick’s thoroughly entertaining 25 unrelated irrelevancies about himself.
For a daily dose of wonder and gratitude I am loving farm life in the Yorkshire Dales in the form of The Weaver of Grass.
Back in Scotland I have been following Neil Tasker of Light and Dark as he travels around the country taking some stunning photos, with his recent shots of light breaking through cloud near Bunabhainneadar being among my favourites.
While she hasn’t posted since October, I am hopeful that the wild northern winter will bring forth fruitful images for Natural Scotland. Having just discovered this blog, I am already jealous of her photos at the grey seal beach near John O’ Groats.
But if it’s just too stormy and I’d rather think of inside pursuits, I jump to the stodgy, comforting world of The English Kitchen. Hearty fruit cake, mont blanc, and the world’s best bacon sarnie - what more could you want?
To Sweden! Where photographer Steffe shows dedication and care to his local environment with Photos from Haninge. One of my favourite features on Steffe’s blog is his year-round photographic study of this tree. The way the narrow road curves off into the distance gets me every time. Steffe also takes charming portraits of folks he meets while he is out cycling or walking.
I can’t remember how I found Josh Hanagarne’s blog, The World’s Strongest Librarian, but I’m glad I did. Honest, thoughtful writing and excellent guest posts that match well with the blog’s themes and style.
After some months of silence and some more months of treading carefully through a difficult situation, Rooked is once again showing signs of the eager literary animal that his followers know and love. First there was Halloween, then a dream. You know I love the photos Stuart, but like many, I have missed your writing. I’m always glad when you’ve been at the keyboard - makes me feel that all might be well in the world after all.
Finally, it seems my friend Kryce has retired his blog. This makes me a little sad. Perhaps he’ll start another one in the future. Now all the pressure is on Moe to keep us entertained and informed.
That calls for a photo.
Does anyone have some blog love they wish to share? What am I missing? Tell me or I’ll burn in ignorance forever and you don’t want that, do you?
The Meditation Hill
7 hours ago
Aw. It's moi. i don't want to log in as meself becuz then his blog will be truly gone :( so, until then, i may just roam around the bsphere rambling semicoherently about snow and apple cookies, pretending to be somebody else...and checking out cool new links from pal. thanks :)
Thanks for the mention! Hugs to you!!! I won't bore you with a repeat of my blogroll here - you know where I live!
- M
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