Bad news spilling over from last week and lasting until further notice. Laptop dead. Must dig around for funds to replace it.
Annoyed. Disappointed. Sad. Stressed.
Offline until further notice.
4 hours ago
Ramblings from a Canadian in Scotland
Oh I feel for you. Hope it won't be much longer.
Oh no!
Hopefully it won't be for long. There's always the local library if the withdrawal symptoms get too bad...
laptops are th elkjdfowe
d;;;dkj eigis ;d water in keyboard
dvmeowp d
I had my hard drive die a couple of years ago. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fun.
Hope to see so soon.
Look forward to seeing you back.
I'll be here when you get back.
Condolences, will be waiting for your return.
If computers had never been invented, we wouldn't miss them. Now that we have them... on when mine die it's like the whole world ended.
We will be here when you get back - hakuna matata!
if a comment falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? ~rick (good luck)
Oh, so sorry for all your stress. I will miss you, and hope you won't have to be away too long.
hurry back!
yay for shiny new LPs!
Oh, shoot.
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