So much for the big plan. My first weekend getaway to the continent. The flight to Paris has been cancelled, and now five days off work stretches before me, with no plans.
I have looked up options like taking the train to cambridge, which is too expensive. The bus takes 12 hours, which would kill me.
I could try to take the train and ferry to Belfast, but then I would be in Belfast by myself, wondering what on earth to do.
If I drove and had a car, I would just go, maybe up north or maybe down to England. Anywhere. I miss that freedom that came with driving. There are folks I know from work but not a close friend I feel I can ring up and say "hey, my week has turned out crap; want to go for tea somewhere?" Everyone already has somebody.
When life disappoints me I fall a long way into a dark hole, and it takes me awhile to dig myself back out. I'm pliable but not springy, like dough. Eventually I'll rise again but it takes time.
At the flea market
45 minutes ago
Oh dear, I forgot you were going to Paris this weekend! That volcano really interfered with a lot of peoples weekends ! I have seen the news photos of the Eurostar being packed with people... how disappointing for you :(
I am not springy either ... I have to lie there and wallow in my misery a little before I even allow someone to try to cheer me up. And then I cheer up ever so reluctantly.
You know we have no car either, after always having a lovely car, that took us wherever we felt like going. So I am right beside you in that corner of that black hole ... <3
I concur - I too tend to take a while to "come out of it".
Uggg! We are waiting with bated breath to see if we are going to be able to leave this next monday to Ireland...So far our flight has not been cancelled, but all here are crossing our fingers that it won't be.
Darn that Mother Nature. I am so sympathetic!
No chance of renting a car? Wish we were already there and we could invite you for tea and a long hike along the sheepshead peninsula.
I will be joining you in the depths should our trip get cancelled...
wan smile...
So sorry to hear about your ruined travel plans. I have never known the skies to be so quiet. I hope that you can re-arrange your trip to Paris for another time in the not-too-distant, and that you're able to keep chirpy in light of all the disruption. xx
Oh no! That really sucks. But hey, some of the best trips I've ever taken have been solo runner up trips. What about hosteling (or try it in Glasgow or Dublin? Or renting a car and exploring a nearby area, maybe somewhere you can reflect and write?
Trust that when life throws lemons at you, there's always a way to make lemonade, even if you don;t have a know what I mean.
Maybe as a last choice, treat yourself to a really nice hotel stay right there in Edinburgh?
Hope whatever alternative you choose works out for you!!
I'm in Edinburgh tomorrow and Saturday. You could always have a a cup of tea with me, I'm very nice, I promise!
Or if you want something nice to play with and like dogs, come to Lithgae.
Er, I do mean play with the puppy!
Pics can be provided, he's very soft and has the most amazing coat...
Well, that was rude of that volcano to go spouting off just now. Hope you find something to fill your vacation.
I think I would go to Jaynes and play with the puppy.
I believe it is a scientific fact that One cannot remain in a black hole when a puppy is around ... or something like that.
Have a good weekend ! Tell us all about it .
Pup sends regards !
Hello lovely people,
Thanks for your cyber warm fuzzies. Julia, I truly hope your flight isn't cancelled. It's so much worse when you've been planning and looking forward to something. I cross my fingers and toes for you.
I will be taking it easy and nursing my cold today (yes, the icing on the cake - I have come down with a cold) and heading to John's tomorrow.
Jayne - sending you an email.
so sorry about your trip..hope you feel better and can go play with a puppy! I have a skittish stray kitten who is setting up shop under my son's broken car. I am feeding her/him because it was such a terrible spring and the kitty looked starved. Just what I need ..another feline..but I will try to get it to come to me..still quite young, longish hair tabby.
Hello fellow Canadian in Scotland. If you ever want a buddy (with a car) to go explore a bit of Scotland with, remember me!
Hope you feel better soon!
Oh pants. I'm a little far for that cup-o-tea. Hope it works out
Oh no! I am so sorry! You are the creative type though so I am sure you will manage to find something exciting to do and will have a blast no matter what.
Scotsman likes to give me crap for the fact that if I lived over there I would crazy without being able to drive every where...he's so right.
Damn, the best of plans. I like your dough analogy. Works for me too.
So sorry! I get like that too - I always feel like I would be bothering someone if I call and try to make last minute plans. So I end up sitting at home! I have learned that I enjoy going to the movies by myself to a late show (what a loser - but I love it). Wish you could come to America! Ha! Now that would be a change of plans!
When the volcano eases up, the sun will be shining.
Ain't it blummin' typical...?! I'm really looking forward to getting away and if the elements want to intervene......I'm stuffed, then!
Mind you I am going by overnight coach, but only to keep others from their sleep, you see! I'm a noisy traveller. Headphones, puzzle books, crisps, five layers of Bacofoil on my sandwiches! That sort of thing.
Hey girl,
Sorry I missed this post, my mom has been up visiting for the last four days and I have not done any blogging or reading at all...
Sorry your trip fizzled, and I hope that by the time you read this comment you will have already bounced back to your happy, crazy self.
Word verification: "lavortax"
Definition: What you have to pay to get out of the crapper.
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