Sunday, 11 April 2010

Silent Sunday: Single Occupancy


Helena said...

Not long now until there's a brood of fledglings to see too! Nice pic! said...

how lonely that looks.

Julia Christie said...

Love the incredible blue of the sky. I just got my copy of the Scottish land Anthology and will be taking it with me to Ireland next week to read by the fire. I can tell I'm gonna love it.

Have a great Sunday!


Zhoen said...

A bird tree.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Oh, I can't believe I forgot to email you to tell you Sole Monkey had arrived chez moi. So sorry, but my peri-menopausal memory is not to be trusted - I can barely remember what day it is. What a hoot, huh?! Having him around to join in our fun. I can't wait to see what he gets up to next. I think you are very brave to go raw for 30 days. I love my green juice but I don't think I could do what you are doing without some damn strong incentive.

PurestGreen said...

He does look a little lonely. I hadn't really noticed before.

Hooray for Mr. Sole Monkey! I saw the photos and they're great.

Re: Raw food. I've not yet been brave enough to go completely raw for more than two weeks. The detox is a shock, that much I can tell you. But even when I'm not very raw, I'm trying to stick with my green juice everyday, and that helps my moods. What a blessing that is.

Sausage said...

Every time I see one of your pics I am reminded how fantastic the scottish skies are.
cheers, sausage

Notes From ABroad said...

He left the wife and baby birds and just took a little flight and some quiet time before going back to the nest.

It looks cold though .. that tree is so bare.
I hope your weekend was lovely..

What About The Girl? said...

It's perfectly alright to be on your own sometimes. Do a little soul-searching.

Brian Miller said...

yeah i imagine he is staring off into tomorrow...

Barry said...

The sky is amazing and the bird is wise enough to pause for a few minutes to enjoy it.